
Not getting my expected weekly salary

Little background: I work in sales. Our minimum salary for a days work would be $120 or $15/hr, without sales. Our checks are delayed two weeks due to processing. Two weeks ago, I made 9 sales in one day, putting me at around $400 for that day, the other days, I made the hourly regular of $120. So in total for the week, my sales should’ve been roughly $880 pre-tax. I just got my check which was less than half of that, which means I got paid $40 for the other 4 days. I’m mostly worried about the following week as I made more sales that week. This is not the first time something has gone wrong with my paycheck however. I am waiting tomorrow for our reports back to see if there were a lot of cancels but I doubt it. What can I do about this? I’m in…

Little background: I work in sales. Our minimum salary for a days work would be $120 or $15/hr, without sales. Our checks are delayed two weeks due to processing. Two weeks ago, I made 9 sales in one day, putting me at around $400 for that day, the other days, I made the hourly regular of $120. So in total for the week, my sales should’ve been roughly $880 pre-tax. I just got my check which was less than half of that, which means I got paid $40 for the other 4 days. I’m mostly worried about the following week as I made more sales that week.
This is not the first time something has gone wrong with my paycheck however. I am waiting tomorrow for our reports back to see if there were a lot of cancels but I doubt it. What can I do about this? I’m in PA

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