
Just found out jobs that do give healthcare coverage don’t even have to cover it immediately?? The US is a scam

Exactly what the title says, just got my first job with benefits (I had one when I was 21 but don’t remember this being an issue then, and if it was I could still be on my parents’ insurance). So going through the process, come to find out I won’t get healthcare until 2023! I’m very angry. I do still have my ACA healthcare (that I’m paying for of course) but what?? What if I didn’t and was changing jobs? The federal mandate allows up to 90 days for benefits to kick in which is really crazy. What if something were to happen during that time? Idk, this just seems ridiculous that’s all.

Exactly what the title says, just got my first job with benefits (I had one when I was 21 but don’t remember this being an issue then, and if it was I could still be on my parents’ insurance). So going through the process, come to find out I won’t get healthcare until 2023! I’m very angry. I do still have my ACA healthcare (that I’m paying for of course) but what?? What if I didn’t and was changing jobs? The federal mandate allows up to 90 days for benefits to kick in which is really crazy. What if something were to happen during that time? Idk, this just seems ridiculous that’s all.

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