
Covering a co-workers load (or part of their load) while they’re out, no extra pay offered?

So my company is kinda small. Each of my coworkers have “backups”, people who do their work when they’re out sick or on vacation or whatever. I have one coworker who goes on vacation like 3 times a year, like two weeks at a time. I have taken maybe 2 days off this whole year because of a personal situation. When I became her backup, I was told she had never had a backup before. So I assume when she’s out, I’m taking over her full workload. Anyways, I feel that I should be compensated fairly, since I’m doing my 8+ hours of work (I’ve gotten pretty good and can get it done faster), plus her 8+ hours of work (again, I only perform these duties 3-4 times per year, and it’s confusing stuff so it takes me a day or two to figure it out and get into a…

So my company is kinda small. Each of my coworkers have “backups”, people who do their work when they’re out sick or on vacation or whatever. I have one coworker who goes on vacation like 3 times a year, like two weeks at a time. I have taken maybe 2 days off this whole year because of a personal situation. When I became her backup, I was told she had never had a backup before. So I assume when she’s out, I’m taking over her full workload. Anyways, I feel that I should be compensated fairly, since I’m doing my 8+ hours of work (I’ve gotten pretty good and can get it done faster), plus her 8+ hours of work (again, I only perform these duties 3-4 times per year, and it’s confusing stuff so it takes me a day or two to figure it out and get into a jig again). I really can’t afford to lose this job, so I don’t want to sound pushy or ungrateful. I have been at this company for almost 2 years. But I do feel like I deserve to be better compensated when I’m doing the work of 2+ people, when the other person is getting paid to vacation or whatever. How do I bring this up? I don’t know what to do, but just the added stress itself of knowing her vacation is coming up soon and I’ll have everything on my plate again is making me physically ill.

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