
Data protection? what’s that?

If someone were to live in a place with strict data protection laws, like the EU for example, and were to have easy access to personal data of hundreds of employees (email, home address, phone number etc) of a business, what would be the risk to both the business (let's say a multimillion dollar national company) for allowing this data to be easily accessed by unvetted entry level workers, and to the workers themselves? I come from a place without such data protection laws, and I'm curious at what the dangerous could be. I have the vague notion that the information could be used/sold to spam companies for (probably) a meager sum of money, no? What's the danger here?

If someone were to live in a place with strict data protection laws, like the EU for example, and were to have easy access to personal data of hundreds of employees (email, home address, phone number etc) of a business, what would be the risk to both the business (let's say a multimillion dollar national company) for allowing this data to be easily accessed by unvetted entry level workers, and to the workers themselves?

I come from a place without such data protection laws, and I'm curious at what the dangerous could be. I have the vague notion that the information could be used/sold to spam companies for (probably) a meager sum of money, no? What's the danger here?

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