
Work Life Balance is the new Bread Peace Land

History repeats itself because we never fucking learn. Most people attribute the Russian Revolution to the bolsheviks, but really, it was the workers' general strike against a failed system that changed the tide. The bolsheviks just stole the slogan. The workers were hungry and sick of being oppressed. The French Revolution happened for similar reasons – food shortages and tyranny of the wealthy. The German Kaiser was forced to abdicate in the wake of popular opinion. King Charles I of England was able to be executed because he lost popular support. The American Revolution mostly happened because colonists felt oppressed. Monarchies and Governments are overthrown not by their political opponents but because the people demand it. Today, In the US, we have crazy inflation, stagnant wages, shitty healthcare, insane gerrymandering, and now a STRIKE-BREAKING “pro-union” president siding with the record-breaking profit monopolies instead of the absolutely destroyed workers who literally…

History repeats itself because we never fucking learn.

Most people attribute the Russian Revolution to the bolsheviks, but really, it was the workers' general strike against a failed system that changed the tide. The bolsheviks just stole the slogan. The workers were hungry and sick of being oppressed.

The French Revolution happened for similar reasons – food shortages and tyranny of the wealthy.

The German Kaiser was forced to abdicate in the wake of popular opinion. King Charles I of England was able to be executed because he lost popular support. The American Revolution mostly happened because colonists felt oppressed.

Monarchies and Governments are overthrown not by their political opponents but because the people demand it.

Today, In the US, we have crazy inflation, stagnant wages, shitty healthcare, insane gerrymandering, and now a STRIKE-BREAKING “pro-union” president siding with the record-breaking profit monopolies instead of the absolutely destroyed workers who literally just want to be able to schedule unpaid time off for a doctor's appointment without getting penalized.

What on earth do they think is going to happen?

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