
This story is just infuriating. Perfect example of how people are treated like shit

Im in the lower management position. I work in this company where we hired this new guy. He came to work on his first day to watch how other guys work and get into it himself on the second day. During the shift, higher rank manager comes over to me and delivers the news that makes clear, that the position guy is in for, is no longer necessary – we will need him for something totally different and also asks me to figure out how that something else will work. and leaves. I start working on that topic, while realizing that the guy is still in the office, watching and learning the job that he won't be doing at all and has to be there another 6 hours. So I go to the manager and say: “hey maybe we should let him know that he won't be doing that anymore,…

Im in the lower management position. I work in this company where we hired this new guy. He came to work on his first day to watch how other guys work and get into it himself on the second day.

During the shift, higher rank manager comes over to me and delivers the news that makes clear, that the position guy is in for, is no longer necessary – we will need him for something totally different and also asks me to figure out how that something else will work. and leaves.

I start working on that topic, while realizing that the guy is still in the office, watching and learning the job that he won't be doing at all and has to be there another 6 hours.

So I go to the manager and say: “hey maybe we should let him know that he won't be doing that anymore, so lets let him go for today and come back tomorrow or within next few days when I have this shit sorted out for his position exactly, because right now he is watching others do things which will be totally irrelevant to him. “

She says while being annoyed: “Omg, can you just focus on your job? Who gives a fuck? Let him just sit there, why are you worried about that? That's should be the last thing on your mind right now, you should be concentrated on what I told you to do. Stop worrying about things which are not relevant right now at all!!!!

I did respect her till then, despite some other fuck ups, but this was when it was over. Treating people and their time like shit is inhuman.

P.S. During one of the breaks I let the guy go home and she never even noticed. Hope he spent that day with his loved ones and friends or doing something more valuable, then being used for wasting his time…


Sorry for clickbaity title. Realized after posting.

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