
What is your opinion on employees recognizing their coworkers?

My work has these slips of paper we write on to recognize a coworker who goes above and beyond. These slips are saved for when the supervisors do our yearly performance reveiws. I'm interested in what you guys think of places doing things like this. Do you think it's a good thing or problematic? I'm personally a little irked by it because I frequently do more than what I'm supposed to and I don't get recognized, while people who have done less than me have.

My work has these slips of paper we write on to recognize a coworker who goes above and beyond. These slips are saved for when the supervisors do our yearly performance reveiws. I'm interested in what you guys think of places doing things like this. Do you think it's a good thing or problematic? I'm personally a little irked by it because I frequently do more than what I'm supposed to and I don't get recognized, while people who have done less than me have.

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