
Quit my job at a restaurant

Just so done with working in the service industry. I’m 28. Don’t currently use my degree and have bounced around two jobs within the past two years. I only worked at the current place for like 2 months. It’s a fine dining restaurant with pretentious customers. Lots of college kids and middle aged people that have been there for a while. I just feel like I don’t fit in. Not a big fan of my managers. Only a hand full of people I actually like. I can’t be happy doing it. I just can’t do it anymore! Also, I had some drinking issues so I really need to avoid working around alcohol! Can anyone else relate to this?

Just so done with working in the service industry. I’m 28. Don’t currently use my degree and have bounced around two jobs within the past two years. I only worked at the current place for like 2 months. It’s a fine dining restaurant with pretentious customers. Lots of college kids and middle aged people that have been there for a while. I just feel like I don’t fit in. Not a big fan of my managers. Only a hand full of people I actually like. I can’t be happy doing it. I just can’t do it anymore! Also, I had some drinking issues so I really need to avoid working around alcohol! Can anyone else relate to this?

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