
Co-worker goes the extra mile; it is expected now.

For context, I work front desk at a laundromat (with a computer i guess laundromat/internet café) as paid per hour minimum wage job. My job is literally to just run the cash register, charge accordingly to the time used on the computers, print/scan documents, etc. I work with a few other people and we rotate shifts. Anyway for the most part its a pretty chill job. One can eat when they want provided theres no customers and run the shop (mostly)without micromanagement. However, this all changed when a new co-worker arrived and decided to go 'the extra mile'. She rigouresly cleans after her shift (mop, sprays windows) and later texted the other 2 employees (1 of them being me), saying that we have do it too (with the same level of intensity) Now obviously im all for general cleanliness. What irks me however is when i asked her why;…

For context, I work front desk at a laundromat (with a computer i guess laundromat/internet café) as paid per hour minimum wage job.

My job is literally to just run the cash register, charge accordingly to the time used on the computers, print/scan documents, etc. I work with a few other people and we rotate shifts.

Anyway for the most part its a pretty chill job. One can eat when they want provided theres no customers and run the shop (mostly)without micromanagement.

However, this all changed when a new co-worker arrived and decided to go 'the extra mile'.

She rigouresly cleans after her shift (mop, sprays windows) and later texted the other 2 employees (1 of them being me), saying that we have do it too (with the same level of intensity)

Now obviously im all for general cleanliness. What irks me however is when i asked her why; she said its 'essential for the professional context ' and get this: 'the owner appreciated it so much that its now a rule for everyone'.

She even made an excel document indicating the ideal cleaning times (for all of us)..which the management uses now for themselves.

Don't get me wrong, she is an ok person in general. It just blows my mind that this ideology of work/productivity is so ingrained to the point of compelling some people to do extra without any compensation (especially for a minimum wage job)just because its a 'professional ' context (whatever that means).

(Meanwhile the owner couldn't give less shit about the place: a good portion of the machins don't work, the only machins that gives change is broken..but yes this new found cleanliness is greatly appreciated lol what a joke).

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