
Lying to Corporate Employers is Moral and OK

Morality is defined as ” the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper (right) and those that are improper (wrong).” But we work for a system where private profit is king. In fact, corporations have a legal obligation to maximize their profits above all else. So, then, why in such a system is it wrong for an employee to also maximize their own well-being above all? Does lying to other people sound wrong? Guess what, corporations aren't people. A corporation is merely “an ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.” The most powerful corporations engage in all sorts of evil activities, often with the help of the government: massive tax evasion (Apple), wrecking entire ecosystems (BP), stealing houses from desperate people (banks), stealing money directly from their bank customers (Wells Fargo), suing farmers for keeping seeds (Monsanto), and even outright overthrowing governments…

Morality is defined as ” the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper (right) and those that are improper (wrong).” But we work for a system where private profit is king. In fact, corporations have a legal obligation to maximize their profits above all else. So, then, why in such a system is it wrong for an employee to also maximize their own well-being above all?

Does lying to other people sound wrong? Guess what, corporations aren't people. A corporation is merely “an ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.” The most powerful corporations engage in all sorts of evil activities, often with the help of the government: massive tax evasion (Apple), wrecking entire ecosystems (BP), stealing houses from desperate people (banks), stealing money directly from their bank customers (Wells Fargo), suing farmers for keeping seeds (Monsanto), and even outright overthrowing governments and murdering people (Dole & Chiquita). While they commit huge amounts of evil, they most often don't suffer legally (Nestle marketing formula as better than breast milk). Second, even if they screw up in a big way, they can get away with it by throwing tons of money on lawyers and lobbying (subprime mortgage collapse/bank bailouts). Third, even if they get nailed repeatedly, they just pay some fines, which gets written off as a cost of doing business (Oracle bribery). Meaning, corporations are then free to think of new ways to do evil stuff to make money above all else.

But when's the last time you've heard of a corporation being forced to stop its operations for a time (jail for real people)? Or getting dismantled outright (execution for real people)? The modern concept of huge corporations is the magification and celebration of humanity's most sociopathic tendencies.

And corporations lie ALL THE TIME to you directly. Ads sell you shit you don't need. Telling you buying a new car/beef/computer/whatever is environmentally friendly. Lobbying and political donations legally bribe and corrupt politicians that you think you elect. Manipulating the media (which is also run by massive corporations) and lying to you about what's happening. And I see this all the time on here and in real life now, where companies celebrate massive profits and then tell you there's no money to give a raise. Or make you work unpaid hours/steal your benefits/bonuses directly. Or HR playing games and manipulating your hours. Or your interviewer telling you they don't know the salary range or outright lying about what a job pays. Or your boss telling you to lie to customers or to other workers. Corporations are a microcosm of society, with all of its lies, and so hold no special authority to tell sentient, rational, human beings to not lie.

Who sets the rules for moral behavior in the workplace? Corporations, corporate media, and politicians who are beholden to their corporate donors, who lie/manipulate the truth. We don't live in a democracy, we live in an kleptocratic oligarchy. The two parties are only different on a few hot button social issues. They're otherwise the same. Bush started Iraq & Afghanistan, Obama kept us there. Bush may have seeded the Great Financial Crisis, but Obama didn't do anything to punish the banks – Occupy Wall Street failed and the banks got rewarded with bailouts. The federal minimum wage is stagnant. The NLRB is underfunded and toothless and are about to do layoffs. And now we see that both parties are voting for SLAVERY. I know it's a loaded term, but what else do you call a job that Congress is forcing you to work?

Sorry for the rant, but I've been pissed off watching this railroad fiasco unfold. The vote to force railroad workers to work against their will makes me sick. So with all of that in mind, tell me, WHY IS IT IMMORAL TO LIE TO CORPORATIONS IN ORDER TO MAXIMIZE YOUR WELL-BEING? Caveat: Don't lie if it hurts someone directly (like if you have customers or patients), or if your lie is illegal.

Otherwise, screw it.

Lie about doing your work when your boss tries to pressure you. You'll get it done, who cares.

Lie about promising your boss you won't tell other workers your salary. It's legal to do so, why should you agree to your boss' illegal request for you to not discuss your pay?

Lie about not looking for jobs when you're filling out applications. You're not a slave. They cynically call it “right to work”, so make sure you take them up on their offer.

Lie about why you need a job. It's a bullshit question to see how desperate you are, it's not relevant to whether you can do a job.

Lie about why you need to take time off. Remember, you have the right to work… or not work. Why the hell does your boss need to know why you don't want to work on a certain day.

Lie about sleeping in when you're WFH, because as long as you do your work, who cares, you're just protecting your own health and well-being.

Lie about your qualifications, references, even your grades (because they don't really matter… certifications are usually another matter, don't lie about your certifications), as long as you can do the job, that's what counts.

Lie to anyone in a company. Don't feel bad if it's your boss, HR, the CEO. They are not acting as individuals, they are getting paid to help the corporation maximize its profit (and often to your detriment). Caveat: Lying to coworkers is tricky, you have to see if they are acting as good human beings who care for you, or a corporate bootlicker who will sell you out.

So lie, lie away. There may be legal issues to lying (which is a totally different discussion), but morally, there are very few reasons why it's bad for you to lie to your corporate employer, or any company for that matter.

TLDR: It's generally OK to lie to companies. They have no moral authority to tell anyone that lying is bad. When you lie to maximize your own profit, you are doing the exact same thing as a corporation is legally required to do in maximizing its own profit.

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