
Teachers, Nurses, Restaurants, Retail, CSR’S,Railroads, EMS, Childcare, Construction, IT, the list could go on forever.

Do we just keep killing ourselves for a few billionaires or is anyone ready to organize a movement beyond our individual fields? Beyond Unions. Massive peaceful protests in all major cities. We run everything and we're so run down we're sometimes too tired to work towards something better but I'm way past that point now. I'm concerned about my survival at this point because I can't afford my piling healthcare bills, my credit is destroyed so I can't find anywhere to live where i don't have to worry about getting shot. I work 65 hours a week btw. This should not happen to anyone. And I'm sure there are much worse stories here. I apologize, my list clearly doesn't include everyone who feels the same. Everyone and every idea is welcome as long as it's peaceful.

Do we just keep killing ourselves for a few billionaires or is anyone ready to organize a movement beyond our individual fields? Beyond Unions. Massive peaceful protests in all major cities. We run everything and we're so run down we're sometimes too tired to work towards something better but I'm way past that point now. I'm concerned about my survival at this point because I can't afford my piling healthcare bills, my credit is destroyed so I can't find anywhere to live where i don't have to worry about getting shot. I work 65 hours a week btw. This should not happen to anyone. And I'm sure there are much worse stories here. I apologize, my list clearly doesn't include everyone who feels the same. Everyone and every idea is welcome as long as it's peaceful.

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