
How would you respond to a boss who passed you for promotion and gossips about it later?

Boss passed me for promotion and later gossips to former colleague about it In July i applied to a manager role at my company that I’ve been with 6 years. My boss said it was going to take her a few months to make a decision on the role. In September I interviewed with the president and then later that month my boss tells me they gave it to an outside candidate because of her experience in analytics. My boss has subsequent conversations with me to say she wants to discuss my professional development plan, etc. I then talk with a former colleague and he has been talking to his former boss (all worked at the same company) and his former boss said my boss divulged she didn’t give me the promotion because they know I’m checked out of the company. They aren’t wrong but I’ve literally gotten 1 raise…

Boss passed me for promotion and later gossips to former colleague about it

In July i applied to a manager role at my company that I’ve been with 6 years. My boss said it was going to take her a few months to make a decision on the role. In September I interviewed with the president and then later that month my boss tells me they gave it to an outside candidate because of her experience in analytics.

My boss has subsequent conversations with me to say she wants to discuss my professional development plan, etc. I then talk with a former colleague and he has been talking to his former boss (all worked at the same company) and his former boss said my boss divulged she didn’t give me the promotion because they know I’m checked out of the company.

They aren’t wrong but I’ve literally gotten 1 raise in 6 years.

TLDR: boss passes me for promotion because she thinks I’m checked out and gossips about it to people who don’t even work at the company. How would you handle this? Time for me to walk I think..

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