
Nationwide General Strike

Dec 20-27 Shut down commercial Christmas completely. Tell this to every single worker you know. Commit to it. Prepare and stock up. Talk with your community to those that may need extra help. This is serious. We need to fight for a better working class now. We have been content and asleep for too long while billionaires' grips grow tighter. I, personally, am fucking done. Shut down the economy.

Dec 20-27

Shut down commercial Christmas completely.

Tell this to every single worker you know. Commit to it. Prepare and stock up. Talk with your community to those that may need extra help. This is serious. We need to fight for a better working class now. We have been content and asleep for too long while billionaires' grips grow tighter. I, personally, am fucking done.

Shut down the economy.

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