
The trash took itself out… I got fired from my shitty retail job that I was planning to quit anyway

So I've been working this part-time retail job while looking for a full-time job. The owners of the store have known for the past month that I've been looking for a full-time job. I've been planning on quitting this job as I wanted to really focus on finding a full-time job with benefits and I was going to quit one day but then I found out that one of the managers (who had been in the hospital) had just passed away. Since I felt like it would be insensitive and bad timing, I did not quit that day. I figured I could just work this job the rest of the year and then quit. The only thing is that I did have a vacation planned with my sister the week before Christmas, because she is still in college and this is the only week she could go. I would have…

So I've been working this part-time retail job while looking for a full-time job. The owners of the store have known for the past month that I've been looking for a full-time job. I've been planning on quitting this job as I wanted to really focus on finding a full-time job with benefits and I was going to quit one day but then I found out that one of the managers (who had been in the hospital) had just passed away. Since I felt like it would be insensitive and bad timing, I did not quit that day. I figured I could just work this job the rest of the year and then quit. The only thing is that I did have a vacation planned with my sister the week before Christmas, because she is still in college and this is the only week she could go. I would have told them about this vacation when I first started working there, but I was really only planning to work there for a few months in the summer (which they knew). So I let them know two weeks beforehand that I would need that week off. They said okay, with absolutely no indication that it was a problem and then I wake up to this email (they say some stuff before this but this is the most relevant part).

I just think it's hilarious because did you expect me to ask you if I could go on my vacation that has been planned for months??? And then not go when you said no because you needed me to work at your little store??? And why is it my problem if you're understaffed??

And now you're four people understaffed lol. Smart move there.

They do reference to my “poor performance” a bit in the first part of the email but according to them the problem is that I'm not that interested in working there. Why would a college graduate be interested in working retail for $15 an hour?

Lol I am definitely happy that I didn't have to quit myself. I just think the whole situation is pretty funny because now they're more understaffed and just causing themselves more problems. The only thing I am sad about is that I won't get to see the shop dog anymore and he is a very good boy šŸ™

these guys are ridiculous… thanks for firing me lol

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