
damned if i do damned if i dont

i feel you guys are the audience for this to me complain about my current work predicament. for the last year i've been going through hell with grievance procedures, cover-ups, etc. all after reporting my manager for various things including bullying behaviours and sexual harrassment. all of this starting after i made the mistake of telling him that my other colleague had groped me at a work event. with the internal investigations going on, the company has told me again and again that i can't share anything with anyone at the company, that i can't tell people what i'm accusing my manager of, what is involved in the investigation, even that there IS an investigation in the first place! If i do, I can be subject to a disciplinary. on top of this I also can't go around telling people outside of work because of the same reason (i'm only…

i feel you guys are the audience for this to me complain about my current work predicament. for the last year i've been going through hell with grievance procedures, cover-ups, etc. all after reporting my manager for various things including bullying behaviours and sexual harrassment. all of this starting after i made the mistake of telling him that my other colleague had groped me at a work event.
with the internal investigations going on, the company has told me again and again that i can't share anything with anyone at the company, that i can't tell people what i'm accusing my manager of, what is involved in the investigation, even that there IS an investigation in the first place! If i do, I can be subject to a disciplinary. on top of this I also can't go around telling people outside of work because of the same reason (i'm only posting here because this account is not linked to my name, my real life, etc).
they're essentially burying everything and making it go away and ensuring that i also can't tell anyone.
best case scenario is that i take them to court over it and have to settle, in which case i have to sign an NDA where i then also can't tell anyone about any of it on pain of being sued.
the only way i'd be able to expose my manager and company for what they're doing is to quit and go and tell social media, but then i'd be scared they would try to sue me and even though i'd be in the right, i can't afford a lawyer for a suit like that so by default i'd lose.
i've been put in a situation where i am totally in a corner, pinned down by a multi-billion dollar company. i've got 2 misogynist bosses, one sexual menace of a manager, a colleague who faced no real consequences for assaulting me, and no options.
When i quit, they'll replace me with their token one woman and the same thing will happen to her as has to me, and i'll feel like it's my fault for letting that happen. but I can't do anything.
it's totally fucking bleak. how is it that we have a society where bosses and higher ups can do whatever they want to workers – no matter how awfully serious it is, ranging from sexual harassment or assault to bullying or wage theft, etc. – and there's not a god damn thing we, as workers, can do about it?
some days i feel totally hopeless.

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