
Work gave me a market adjustment raise but finds out they offered me “too much” bonus in my offer letter. Now, they want to reduce my bonus by the amount they raise my salary, essentially erasing the market adjustment – please help??

I started working at a big corporation a few months ago and was recently told that I would be receiving a “market adjustment raise” of 4% so my compensation would be in line with what’s out there, but here’s the catch- my boss tells me I get a bonus and quotes 4% less to what I was offered when I joined. When I corrected him on what I signed, they told me that doesn’t sound right so they went back to HR to figure out the issue. Come to find out, they offered me an incorrect bonus and now they want to take away my “market raise” and bring up my salary to match this “discrepancy”. I am honestly shocked to see this fuck up and not sure what to do. I have the new letter where it clearly states market adjustment. To top it off, when I accepted the…

I started working at a big corporation a few months ago and was recently told that I would be receiving a “market adjustment raise” of 4% so my compensation would be in line with what’s out there, but here’s the catch- my boss tells me I get a bonus and quotes 4% less to what I was offered when I joined. When I corrected him on what I signed, they told me that doesn’t sound right so they went back to HR to figure out the issue. Come to find out, they offered me an incorrect bonus and now they want to take away my “market raise” and bring up my salary to match this “discrepancy”. I am honestly shocked to see this fuck up and not sure what to do. I have the new letter where it clearly states market adjustment. To top it off, when I accepted the position I was told I can come in whenever, but it’s been decided going forward that because others have been “abusing” (words they’ve used) this policy and not coming in at all – they are enforcing a set days into the office.

So, I’ve been here for less than 6 months and they’ve already screwed me out of wfh flexibility and now they are trying to mess with my pay- what’s next? I’m pissed. What course of action can I take? How do I approach this? If we account for the extra gas, mileage I am now spending, this will be cutting into my pay as well. Seems like I am being punished for their errors. Please help me

FYI….I’m based in Texas

TLDR – work tries to give me raise but realized they offered me too high of a bonus, now they want to take away market raise to match bonus discrepancy. Cherry on top, they reduced my wfh days, despite what we agreed upon when I accepted the offer. All this happened in a span of 6months of working here. I have documentation of my offer letter and new letter #help #toxicaf

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