
Just walked out early on my last day of work.

A little background before we continue: There is a woman I used to work with who was extremely rude and negative. She would always walk in with a scowl on her face and talk shit about people behind their backs and in front of them. Somehow, she earned a management title despite her awful ass attitude and she never talks to anyone with respect unless it’s someone she’s friends with. I worked at a McDonald’s but I have to move out of state back to my family because my bf and I broke up. So, since I leave Wednesday, I told a manager yesterday that today was my last day. I worked all of yesterday. Then today comes. I show up and the first few hours were fine. Then I go on break. After my break is over, she sends me on window. There was a problem where a customer…

A little background before we continue: There is a woman I used to work with who was extremely rude and negative. She would always walk in with a scowl on her face and talk shit about people behind their backs and in front of them. Somehow, she earned a management title despite her awful ass attitude and she never talks to anyone with respect unless it’s someone she’s friends with.

I worked at a McDonald’s but I have to move out of state back to my family because my bf and I broke up. So, since I leave Wednesday, I told a manager yesterday that today was my last day. I worked all of yesterday.

Then today comes. I show up and the first few hours were fine. Then I go on break. After my break is over, she sends me on window. There was a problem where a customer didn’t pay for extra sauce so another coworker told me to just hand them the food and then if they ask, to get her and she’ll tell the customer. While this going on, apparently the manager asked me to put sauce in the bag but I didn’t hear her. So, after that situation is dealt with, the manager talks shit and mocks about how I didn’t put sauce in the bag. After a few minutes, I accidentally spill a drink all over the cup holders. So the cup holders were completely ruined. A customer asks for one since she had a lot of drinks so I offer her to go one. The manager tells me to stay and then right in front of the customer, talks shit about how I “needed cupholders”.

After helping the customer and then a few other people, I got the other manager and just let him know that today was my last day and how much of a horrible attitude that that lady has and then left. Idk how she got the management position nor do I know why the owner even gave her that position when she’s such a rude and horrible bitch to everyone. But hopefully, what I did will inspire people to do the same because I wasn’t the only one who go treated like shit by her. And, hopefully that customer that heard and saw that will say something because I know she heard it due to the look on her face.

I was not gonna stand there and have her treat me like dirt when I only had 2 hours left of my shift on my last day and for $11 an hour.

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