
Have you ever left a job because your coordinator went from good to bad due to a manipulative coworker?

I recently left a job due to a manipulative coworker turning people, including my coordinator, against me. I am still shocked about how this manipulator was trusted considering all the unethical things this person did. This manipulator supported another bully in the harassment of many coworkers, including our supervisor and myself, by serving as a witness to bogus harassment accusations and spying for the bully. This bully left the company and I thought the manipulator would get fired shortly afterwards. However, the coordinator, who was never a target of the bully, intervened to keep the manipulator employed. The coordinator also wanted to promote the manipulator too. The coordinator saw the manipulator as a kid that was afraid of the bully and that is why the manipulator acted that way. I never believed this narrative because I caught the manipulator in many lies and I could see the deceit in the…

I recently left a job due to a manipulative coworker turning people, including my coordinator, against me. I am still shocked about how this manipulator was trusted considering all the unethical things this person did. This manipulator supported another bully in the harassment of many coworkers, including our supervisor and myself, by serving as a witness to bogus harassment accusations and spying for the bully. This bully left the company and I thought the manipulator would get fired shortly afterwards. However, the coordinator, who was never a target of the bully, intervened to keep the manipulator employed. The coordinator also wanted to promote the manipulator too. The coordinator saw the manipulator as a kid that was afraid of the bully and that is why the manipulator acted that way. I never believed this narrative because I caught the manipulator in many lies and I could see the deceit in the manipulator's body language. I also warned the coordinator not to trust the manipulator. To make a long story short, the manipulator kept playing the victim card and convinced my coordinator that I was scaring them. It got to the point that my coordinator denied me training opportunities and threw me under the bus with my supervisor, effectively ruining my career progression in that company. Thus, I decided that the best course of action was for me to get another job since I could no longer trust the judgement of my coordinator. I am wondering if I am the only one who has gone through this type of situation.

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