
Is there a minimum amount of hours worked per week in California?

I've been working fast food for half a year now. Despite the boss telling me I've been very good since day one, instead of getting more hours and more money, I've been getting increasingly less hours per week. The past 3 weeks have been 9 hours each and my paycheck was less than $200, about half as much as the first check I earned. Is there a legal minimum or is my boss pulling some nonsensical mind games of pure, unadultered hogwash with me?

I've been working fast food for half a year now. Despite the boss telling me I've been very good since day one, instead of getting more hours and more money, I've been getting increasingly less hours per week.

The past 3 weeks have been 9 hours each and my paycheck was less than $200, about half as much as the first check I earned.

Is there a legal minimum or is my boss pulling some nonsensical mind games of pure, unadultered hogwash with me?

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