I’m honestly not sure if this belongs here, but since this sub is big on helping workers any way possible, I feel as though it belongs.
A lot of people aren’t really on LinkedIn (or don’t use it even if they have an account) but I’ve recently realized that just keeping your account up to date and having “actively seeking” on your profile in regards to jobs is much better in job pursuing than Indeed.
I’ve gotten a new job now but I’m currently open to offers because of the high quality of recruiters that have reached out to me. On Indeed, most of the jobs hiring don’t even come close to the level of these jobs on LinkedIn and even the rare ones that do, I would never hear back from.
All I’m saying is that it won’t hurt to take an hour to update your LinkedIn fully to see who reaches out! You can almost always do better than your current position and this is a passive way for them to contact you so your workload on applying is next to nothing.