
“Congratulations on your baby…don’t meet your work requirement and corrective actions will be taken.”

Long story short I work in the medical field and I work PRN for a staffing service. We are required to work two 12 hour shifts per month. I work Monday through Friday at another job and I am in school earning my Masters degree. My manager doesn’t like me for whatever reason but I have never met her in person. I have worked one shift this month, but my wife has been really sick. I have requested a meeting with my manager over a month ago to address my concerns so as not to lose my job but she has repeatedly ignored my requests. I enjoy what I do and I am good at it but I loathe my manager. I would say she is the worst manager I have ever had but she doesn’t even really do anything for me other then look for stuff to discipline me…

Long story short I work in the medical field and I work PRN for a staffing service. We are required to work two 12 hour shifts per month. I work Monday through Friday at another job and I am in school earning my Masters degree. My manager doesn’t like me for whatever reason but I have never met her in person. I have worked one shift this month, but my wife has been really sick. I have requested a meeting with my manager over a month ago to address my concerns so as not to lose my job but she has repeatedly ignored my requests. I enjoy what I do and I am good at it but I loathe my manager. I would say she is the worst manager I have ever had but she doesn’t even really do anything for me other then look for stuff to discipline me for. My wife is due any day now and I won’t meet my requirements most likely. She finally won and I am forced into quit or be fired. All this is at an organization that is chronically short and has a lot of traveling medical staff. My coworkers will be sad to see me go as I was core staff with them all through the pandemic. My coworkers are amazing but my manager and admin suck. I felt unappreciated and devalued so I left core staff but stayed PRN because they are short for people in my specialty. It’s really disheartening.

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