
My Issue With This Subreddit

You all are sad and pathetic. From the posts I've seen over the past couple months you all complain about shitty job positions you have put yourself in, low pay from Horrible jobs, and you all complain about anything you can. You complain about not getting $20 an hour and 4 weeks of sick days from a dead end office job . If you weren't so braindead then you would realize that working under shitty management gives shitty rewards. You are all so lazy and complain about anything you want. Like I'm 16 and manage school, swim practice, and school and I never complain cause I know I can remove myself from my job if I want to focus on school or whatnot. . And speaking of work, I NEVER complain about work, I bust my ass working as a host but I love what I do, I'd never put…

You all are sad and pathetic. From the posts I've seen over the past couple months you all complain about shitty job positions you have put yourself in, low pay from Horrible jobs, and you all complain about anything you can. You complain about not getting $20 an hour and 4 weeks of sick days from a dead end office job . If you weren't so braindead then you would realize that working under shitty management gives shitty rewards. You are all so lazy and complain about anything you want. Like I'm 16 and manage school, swim practice, and school and I never complain cause I know I can remove myself from my job if I want to focus on school or whatnot. . And speaking of work, I NEVER complain about work, I bust my ass working as a host but I love what I do, I'd never put myself in a situation that I'd hate.

The problem with you all is that your uneducated fucks that blame the government for everything. You never finished highschool or even college and complain about not earning $64 thousand a year. Get out of your parents basement, put in work and effort and stop complaining like a fucking child

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