
I almost got fired

You know how your supposed to get warnings? Write ups? Feedback? I didn't get any of that until I sat with my boss yesterday. My boss told me that he had given me all the tools and training and I kept falling short. He used my quiet demeanor against me in some instances. Told me maybe I should find another profession. I got told I make mistakes but not shown where and how I can improve. Luckily l, I had a chance to speak which I did and I saved my job for now. What's been bothering me is the training I got is a joke. I am left with absolutely zero direction and have to constantly ask for work. I'm being set up to fail and my boss is so clueless about his own workplace that he is using his employees to get the dirt. Why would employees have…

You know how your supposed to get warnings? Write ups? Feedback? I didn't get any of that until I sat with my boss yesterday. My boss told me that he had given me all the tools and training and I kept falling short. He used my quiet demeanor against me in some instances. Told me maybe I should find another profession. I got told I make mistakes but not shown where and how I can improve. Luckily l, I had a chance to speak which I did and I saved my job for now.

What's been bothering me is the training I got is a joke. I am left with absolutely zero direction and have to constantly ask for work. I'm being set up to fail and my boss is so clueless about his own workplace that he is using his employees to get the dirt. Why would employees have their coworkers best interests in mind? They don't!

I'm going back in tomorrow and I don't want to. I need the job for income but honestly I'm just fuckin tired of this bs. I got made to feel like an idiot when I know I'm not. Poor management sucks.

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