
Are nonprofits the answer?

Could we not replace capitalist enterprises with nonprofit organizations? Like why can’t we have organizations like Walmart but instead of for profit, it’s non profit? Decent paying wages, fair treatment of all employees, no one at the top making millions. We could even expand on this idea and start non profits organizations for the processed foods we consume or foods we grow. Personally, I’d pay a little more if I knew it was a good cause and was something being built towards something better.

Could we not replace capitalist enterprises with nonprofit organizations? Like why can’t we have organizations like Walmart but instead of for profit, it’s non profit? Decent paying wages, fair treatment of all employees, no one at the top making millions. We could even expand on this idea and start non profits organizations for the processed foods we consume or foods we grow.

Personally, I’d pay a little more if I knew it was a good cause and was something being built towards something better.

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