
We are still a work abolitionist sub right?

Don't get me wrong, all this talk about unionizing, exposing bad bosses and workplaces, fair pay and treatment are good and all. But this sub is still about abolishing work right? I sometimes see people get called “lazy” or down voted in a antiwork sub no less about not wanting to work. While fighting for all the other stuff is good, we shouldn't forget that the main goal of this sub is work abolition not reform.

Don't get me wrong, all this talk about unionizing, exposing bad bosses and workplaces, fair pay and treatment are good and all. But this sub is still about abolishing work right? I sometimes see people get called “lazy” or down voted in a antiwork sub no less about not wanting to work. While fighting for all the other stuff is good, we shouldn't forget that the main goal of this sub is work abolition not reform.

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