
“team-builder” arts and crafts at work?

I'm not the most socially active person, I am more than friendly when I need to be. I get along well with all my coworkers naturally. So I have a meeting scheduled at 7:15AM and I work until 6pm a normal shift on that day would be 9AM to 6Pm. The “team building” exercise they want us to do is build gingerbread houses, then post them and have some sort of contest. I feel like this is a complete waste of my time. If I'm not at work trying to earn the company money by doing the duties I signed up for then why am I at work? I'm not there to make friends, I like a clean break between work and my home life. I would much rather come in at a normally scheduled time and work my shift as per usual. I spend enough of my life at…

I'm not the most socially active person, I am more than friendly when I need to be. I get along well with all my coworkers naturally. So I have a meeting scheduled at 7:15AM and I work until 6pm a normal shift on that day would be 9AM to 6Pm.

The “team building” exercise they want us to do is build gingerbread houses, then post them and have some sort of contest. I feel like this is a complete waste of my time. If I'm not at work trying to earn the company money by doing the duties I signed up for then why am I at work? I'm not there to make friends, I like a clean break between work and my home life. I would much rather come in at a normally scheduled time and work my shift as per usual. I spend enough of my life at work already so when they schedule me early and I ask why, the answer is we're building gingerbread houses. I'm like what kind of dumb-ass willy Wonka holiday kiddy shit is this? I'm a grown-ass adult and frankly, I kinda hate Christmas.

So am I an asshole because I don't want to spend the time I could have to myself at work doing a “team builder” If I had been asked I would have said no. I was never asked so I assume somebody just broadly thought this was a good idea without taking a poll. Maybe some nepotism was involved? The whole thing seems illogical to me.

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