
I quit my job after second day

I applied for a job in pawn company weeks ago.I didn't wanted to work there but my mom suggested me to.My cousin was also working as receptionist there. When I got interviewed for the job, they test me if I can use Microsoft word and excel and I did pretty decent.But, they didn't tell me which role I'll be getting. They just said they'll choose my role depends on my Education and Experience. Fyi, I've passed Highschool and have a certificate for Computer (Basic) and work experience about 4 months. I know this isn't very good. But after one week, I got a call about getting hired, still my role is unknown. So, I went to job, very excited and then, the wearhouse leader took me to the store room and made me do the hard labour of lifting, placing,lining pawn items the whole day. I got shoulder injury from…

I applied for a job in pawn company weeks ago.I didn't wanted to work there but my mom suggested me to.My cousin was also working as receptionist there. When I got interviewed for the job, they test me if I can use Microsoft word and excel and I did pretty decent.But, they didn't tell me which role I'll be getting. They just said they'll choose my role depends on my Education and Experience. Fyi, I've passed Highschool and have a certificate for Computer (Basic) and work experience about 4 months. I know this isn't very good. But after one week, I got a call about getting hired, still my role is unknown. So, I went to job, very excited and then, the wearhouse leader took me to the store room and made me do the hard labour of lifting, placing,lining pawn items the whole day. I got shoulder injury from hitting the shelf in tiny store room and fatigue from working the whole day.When, I got home, I was pissed,cos they could have openly said about which role they want to give me, instead of tricking me to think I'll be working with computer. But, I didn't give up, I went to job second day, to see if I'm too early to judge. Nope, the same hard labour plus the company owner made me clean the floor and throw out the garbages. I didn't even contact Hr about my quitting, I just didn't go there again and pick up any call. I don't even want to communicate with them, again.

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