
More venting for this group. Surprise, surprise. Subject: Love of suffering

I read another post that talked about how it's good to “pay your dues”. Now it sounds the OP didn't mean that it's good for people to just suffer and suck it up, but it just reminded me again on how, especially in America, we've romanticized suffering. “I came to this country with only two dollars, and now I'm rich af! Why should these people get special treatment if I had to go through hardships?” Which also relates to how a lot of these pro-captialist/anti-worker folks view getting the basic necessities (healthcare, food, housing etc.) as being entitled. They act as if we're all asking for mansions and yachts. This talking point has just gotten more and more intolerable. And I believe the first steps toward making concrete change needs to include washing away that toxic mindset.

I read another post that talked about how it's good to “pay your dues”. Now it sounds the OP didn't mean that it's good for people to just suffer and suck it up, but it just reminded me again on how, especially in America, we've romanticized suffering. “I came to this country with only two dollars, and now I'm rich af! Why should these people get special treatment if I had to go through hardships?” Which also relates to how a lot of these pro-captialist/anti-worker folks view getting the basic necessities (healthcare, food, housing etc.) as being entitled. They act as if we're all asking for mansions and yachts. This talking point has just gotten more and more intolerable. And I believe the first steps toward making concrete change needs to include washing away that toxic mindset.

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