
Cost of living outpacing income growth over 14 years

Hey beautiful people, is it just me or is it becoming more costly to work than not to work? I moved back in with my parents to afford food and other expenses over the pandemic, but even though work flow has improved since then, the cost of living has risen so much due to price gouging by food producers, gas companies, and pretty much all the rest. This is complicated by my health issues, which require me to omit certain staples from my diet, which I can compensate for to a small degree by preparing my own food. I've cut alcohol out of my lifestyle to improve my health, save money, and help me pay bills, too. Even then, giving up vices, living with my folks, taking care of myself, and trying to save money aren't helping me keep pace. Even when I pay my credit card debt ~$4300, catch…

Hey beautiful people, is it just me or is it becoming more costly to work than not to work? I moved back in with my parents to afford food and other expenses over the pandemic, but even though work flow has improved since then, the cost of living has risen so much due to price gouging by food producers, gas companies, and pretty much all the rest. This is complicated by my health issues, which require me to omit certain staples from my diet, which I can compensate for to a small degree by preparing my own food. I've cut alcohol out of my lifestyle to improve my health, save money, and help me pay bills, too. Even then, giving up vices, living with my folks, taking care of myself, and trying to save money aren't helping me keep pace. Even when I pay my credit card debt ~$4300, catch up on my taxes, and pay a small amount of college loan debt, I won't be much closer to being able to afford a house or start my own business. I don't even know what to do.

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