
2 Weeks Notice & requested to work Christmas ?

Long story short, I hit a rough patch in my life transitioning jobs and had to find a job while I studied to get a certification I needed. My friend got me a job as a front desk agent at the hotel where he works. the job and pay absolutely sucked, but it paid the bills. I put in my two weeks request to quit since I finally got the job I’ve wanted. I was at the hotel for close to 6 months (and my friend got a bonus for referring me and staying this long). My two weeks ends up at December 23, but I got asked to work the 24 and 25 since my thanksgiving vacations were given to me on the understanding I would work those holidays in exchange for thanksgiving – I said yes as I obviously didn’t know I would be quitting then. To be…

Long story short, I hit a rough patch in my life transitioning jobs and had to find a job while I studied to get a certification I needed.

My friend got me a job as a front desk agent at the hotel where he works. the job and pay absolutely sucked, but it paid the bills.

I put in my two weeks request to quit since I finally got the job I’ve wanted. I was at the hotel for close to 6 months (and my friend got a bonus for referring me and staying this long). My two weeks ends up at December 23, but I got asked to work the 24 and 25 since my thanksgiving vacations were given to me on the understanding I would work those holidays in exchange for thanksgiving – I said yes as I obviously didn’t know I would be quitting then.

To be clear – I have zero loyalty to any corporation. And if my friend didn’t work there, probably would not have even put in two weeks and just stopped going. But I did put in my two weeks and I don’t know how to tell my friend that I am not working anytime past my 2 weeks.

Tdlr: put in two weeks at work, and boss wants to me to work Christmas which is past my two weeks. Boss is a friend who got me job, how do I tell him no without him getting pissed at me. Job is front desk agent at hotel.

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