
Almost murdered at work, potentially idk lol

Some of y’all might say that I’m a bit paranoid, but I drive all day to peoples houses to repair their phones, and I might know a bit more then the average person on verbal cues out of customers. I’m driving to this guy he insisted on me Comming out there at a certain time even when I asked since it’s far from our original store location can I come a bit earlier. He kept saying no, and how he was at work, to come a specific time, I didn’t pay no mind, I came out there and it’s like he was waiting for me. This interaction was very creepy, I’ve never had a customer wait for me, smh and the way he blocked his long ass driveway, didn’t let me pass was beyond me. Guys like I didn’t text this guy until morning about when I’ll be heading there,…

Some of y’all might say that I’m a bit paranoid, but I drive all day to peoples houses to repair their phones, and I might know a bit more then the average person on verbal cues out of customers. I’m driving to this guy he insisted on me Comming out there at a certain time even when I asked since it’s far from our original store location can I come a bit earlier. He kept saying no, and how he was at work, to come a specific time, I didn’t pay no mind, I came out there and it’s like he was waiting for me. This interaction was very creepy, I’ve never had a customer wait for me, smh and the way he blocked his long ass driveway, didn’t let me pass was beyond me. Guys like I didn’t text this guy until morning about when I’ll be heading there, it’s like you’d think you have better things to do then wait around for a repair guy to come out to you. Call me paranoid idc, the guy gave me the creeps. Aside from the blocking off entrance part, he gave me no space to park my work van, it was like we were side to side, I opened my window and got the phone from him. The van we had only had one key, so you have to crack open a window. The sucky part is you have to head to the back of the van, to heat the shit out of a Samsung’s back glass. I headed there and he kept insisting on talking to me through the window. He kept asking questions like how long have I been working today, when my last job was, if this is my last job. Then he kept on asking where I’m headed back to after his repair, I told him a fake area, not giving him my real store area. The red flag was it being dark, alone, then him saying hey bud it’s starting to rain you should come down my driveway so you don’t get soaked. I’m like hmmm???? I’m in a van wtf are you talking about, at this point I’m not ignoring the red elephant in the room. The way I’m writing this is not how he sounded, his voice was like persuading me, kinda like do it like when your sports coach tells you to do something, but his way was so much creepier. He had this voice that I won’t ever forget, idk if y’all watched joyride with Paul walker, but this guy sounded exactly like the truck driver that was trying to kill them. Anyhow I ended up making crap up about having to leave, I made sure to get in the driver seat before doing anything, cracked my window half way, handed him the phone and bolted. Mind you I’m 2 hours away from home, panic attack creeping up, low on gas, scared out my fucking mind. I swear he followed me, If not in his truck, maybe another car to blend in. I made sure to stay in the gas station while it was pumping. I’m so worried that this guys some sicko psycho path that will go lengths to do something terrible. I had to take 10 detours before parking at my house. I told my manager not like he’s gonna do anything, I’ve had this happened before where I was being followed, had to call the cops. Now my brothers a cop, he said from what I said there’s nothing incriminating that was done. He told me to just be glad I’m safe and home. Which I am tbh, I hope nobody goes through this shit. Like I was imagining we have this girl that works with us, what would have happened if it were her and not me, it pisses me off to just think about it!

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