
Just got fired from Walmart for standing up to an entitled obese customer

So I was working my usual shift at Walmart when an obese customer rolled up to my register in one of those mobility scooter for heavy people. She had several items in her basket and I could see that she was struggling to move around and reach for them. I felt bad for her, so I offered to help her with her items and put them on the conveyor belt. She snapped at me and told me that she didn't need my help, and that I was just being patronizing. I was taken aback by her response and couldn't believe how rude she was being. I decided to stand up for myself and tell her that her behavior was unacceptable. I politely explained that I was just trying to be helpful, but she continued to berate me and even started yelling. She accused me of judging her and treating her…

So I was working my usual shift at Walmart when an obese customer rolled up to my register in one of those mobility scooter for heavy people. She had several items in her basket and I could see that she was struggling to move around and reach for them. I felt bad for her, so I offered to help her with her items and put them on the conveyor belt.

She snapped at me and told me that she didn't need my help, and that I was just being patronizing. I was taken aback by her response and couldn't believe how rude she was being. I decided to stand up for myself and tell her that her behavior was unacceptable. I politely explained that I was just trying to be helpful, but she continued to berate me and even started yelling. She accused me of judging her and treating her differently because of her weight.

I lost my temper and yelled back, telling her that she was being rude and entitled. I told her that I was just trying to do my job and help her, and that she had no right to speak to me like that. The confrontation was getting heated and other customers were starting to take notice.

I guess the situation got out of hand because the next thing I know, my manager is pulling me aside and telling me that I'm being fired for “creating a hostile work environment”. I was shocked and tried to explain what had happened, but they said that they had received several complaints from other customers and that my behavior was unacceptable.

I'm absolutely livid. I was just standing up for myself and trying to do my job, and now I'm out of a job because of some entitled customer who couldn't even be bothered to say thank you for the help I offered. I didn't deserve to be treated like that, and I didn't deserve to be fired.

Rant over.

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