
we’ll all be slaves in a generation

Well, it won’t be called that but it will be very similar. here’s my vision of what is happening and what it will lead to. working conditions are deteriorating. bosses are asking employees to do more with less, work unpaid overtime, take on extra tasks that weren’t in the job description all under thinly veiled threats of losing their jobs for noncompliance. salaries are not increasing at a rate that can compensate for inflation. people can’t afford to buy the things they need and are increasingly relying on credit to get by. some companies have begun to offer housing assistance. i personally saw a billboard that offered reduced rent for employees. this will become more common place. brands will consolidate to offer less choice and save the companies money. eventually you will be hired on or inherit a job and work for a company for your entire career, or as…

Well, it won’t be called that but it will be very similar.

here’s my vision of what is happening and what it will lead to.

working conditions are deteriorating. bosses are asking employees to do more with less, work unpaid overtime, take on extra tasks that weren’t in the job description all under thinly veiled threats of losing their jobs for noncompliance.

salaries are not increasing at a rate that can compensate for inflation. people can’t afford to buy the things they need and are increasingly relying on credit to get by.

some companies have begun to offer housing assistance. i personally saw a billboard that offered reduced rent for employees. this will become more common place.

brands will consolidate to offer less choice and save the companies money.

eventually you will be hired on or inherit a job and work for a company for your entire career, or as long as they want you. you will live in their houses, buy in their stores, visit their doctors. if you decide to leave this job you will lose all these “benefits”. job switching will become nonexistent. like the company towns of old all of your earnings will return to the company.

independent business owners will cease to exist as they cannot compete and small business will disappear. amazon will deliver everything you need.

independent land holders will cease to exist as companies buy up more and more land and more and more housing. you will be renters with no hope of owning your own land. some land will be sold to these companies, more will be seized in eminent domain land grabs.

your education, if you receive one, will be the bare minimum of what you need to know to operate the machine you’re working or complete the task you’ve been assigned. art, music and free expression will die.

don’t worry though. the future overlords have planned a great few years of television and movies and content to help lull you into forgetting that all of this stuff is happening to you. you’ll laugh as the father figure, in a company outfit that matches yours, does some bit and gets a canned laugh on screen.

your dream of having a robot butler will never come to fruition. if a robot is built that can complete your job you will simply be fired and replaced. (i’m looking at you self checkout aisles). there will be no minimum salary that you receive and we as a society won’t be suddenly free to advance as develop since we don’t have to labor. you will be out of a job and homeless while the company save a few bucks and helps its bottom line.

politicians will be unable or plain unwilling to help you. if that system even stays in place, just like now you won’t have much real choice in anything that happens.

police forces will see more funding and more militarization if not a complete merge with the armed forces. they will not be there to help you as much as they will be working to keep production going.

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