
Is it legal for an employer to deduct money from a final paycheck for unpaid tabs under the employee’s name?

I was recently fired over text due to an unrelated (but bs all the same) reason. When my final paycheck came, it was MUCH less than it should have been, so I emailed my former boss asking for a visual of hours I worked that pay period vs my pay. They sent me my hours, and said two unpaid tabs under my name were deducted from my paycheck. When I started, I was told by my boss verbally that if someone walks out without paying, we would have to cover the cost starting the second time this happened. I am unaware of what those tabs under my name were, or how much. Being under my name does not mean they were my customers, as sometimes the system stays logged in and someone else has to jump on and ring someone up. I also was never caught with a “first offense”…

I was recently fired over text due to an unrelated (but bs all the same) reason. When my final paycheck came, it was MUCH less than it should have been, so I emailed my former boss asking for a visual of hours I worked that pay period vs my pay.

They sent me my hours, and said two unpaid tabs under my name were deducted from my paycheck. When I started, I was told by my boss verbally that if someone walks out without paying, we would have to cover the cost starting the second time this happened.

I am unaware of what those tabs under my name were, or how much. Being under my name does not mean they were my customers, as sometimes the system stays logged in and someone else has to jump on and ring someone up. I also was never caught with a “first offense” of letting someone walk out while employed, and if one of those WERE my fault, I would still have gotten a free pass according to my boss.

I am questioning if this is illegal and worth reporting to the BBB. I also was entitled to about $25 in cash tips from my last two days working there, and never received them, nor an answer as to when I would (I asked twice).

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