
And work

I run a small company that employs 80 people. We like to give our staff real perks and rewards like subscriptions, bonuses, monthly awards. For Xmas this year I wanted to do a lotto of the sorts and give away 1k. Usually I'll send out a survey and give the 4th respondent a voucher. For this, I wanted to do another survey and say the 12th respondent wins the 1k. A bit of fun and a lucky money boost for one staff member. Do you think my staff will appreciate this or will they think it's cheesy?

I run a small company that employs 80 people. We like to give our staff real perks and rewards like subscriptions, bonuses, monthly awards. For Xmas this year I wanted to do a lotto of the sorts and give away 1k. Usually I'll send out a survey and give the 4th respondent a voucher. For this, I wanted to do another survey and say the 12th respondent wins the 1k. A bit of fun and a lucky money boost for one staff member. Do you think my staff will appreciate this or will they think it's cheesy?

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