
No matter what job I do my parents aren’t proud of me

I fucking hate this, everytime I come home I have to “report” to my parents about what I did, seeing their pissed off faces like im some sort of failure, “you work with people studying at college, do better” attitude. Fuck off. Cant wait to move out. They wont even let me do uber or any other job because its “for indians”, or dont stoop down to that level. Money is money. Its the same fucking poker face everytime. Not “hey how was work”. You want me to rob someone, do hard drugs, will you be fucking happy then. You fuck. Work is becoming my escape from home. Who gives a shit if im working with a group of 19-20 year olds, im trying to make a living for myself. And the whole bullshit thing of them “suggesting” other jobs. “I think its best you pick up a trade” fuck…

I fucking hate this, everytime I come home I have to “report” to my parents about what I did, seeing their pissed off faces like im some sort of failure, “you work with people studying at college, do better” attitude. Fuck off. Cant wait to move out. They wont even let me do uber or any other job because its “for indians”, or dont stoop down to that level. Money is money. Its the same fucking poker face everytime. Not “hey how was work”. You want me to rob someone, do hard drugs, will you be fucking happy then. You fuck. Work is becoming my escape from home. Who gives a shit if im working with a group of 19-20 year olds, im trying to make a living for myself. And the whole bullshit thing of them “suggesting” other jobs. “I think its best you pick up a trade” fuck no im not breaking my back or doing anything. They say the most random shit when ive nearly got my life sorted. Honestly. Fuck. Off.

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