
I often make donations when checking out with the company credit card…

Long story short… Our corporate office can be super cheap and stingy, especially when it comes to employee satisfaction and needs. Oftentimes, other managers and I spend our own money (up to a couple/few hundred dollars sometimes) for employee recognition and staff parties, and we don't even make the much (average 15.00 per hour). As a result of their cheapness, whenever I have to grab the company credit card to make petty cash purchases, say buying something from Menards for the business, if the register ask if I would like to donate money to a certain cause or charity, I always donate $1 to $3 (to not make it obvious to corporate) on their dime. It's the least they can do to give back to their communities. Make them secretly donate since they won't.

Long story short… Our corporate office can be super cheap and stingy, especially when it comes to employee satisfaction and needs. Oftentimes, other managers and I spend our own money (up to a couple/few hundred dollars sometimes) for employee recognition and staff parties, and we don't even make the much (average 15.00 per hour).

As a result of their cheapness, whenever I have to grab the company credit card to make petty cash purchases, say buying something from Menards for the business, if the register ask if I would like to donate money to a certain cause or charity, I always donate $1 to $3 (to not make it obvious to corporate) on their dime. It's the least they can do to give back to their communities. Make them secretly donate since they won't.

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