
Time to Act My Wage, fuck corporate

I had a yearly review with my company back in October (work in financial consulting), and my manager herself admitted when I asked for a raise that they brought me on much lower than they should have and I should realistically be seeing a $15-20k/yr increase, dependent in part on the client's reaction to a rate increase. Didn't think that made sense at the time, since the client doesn't write my paychecks, but whatever. Two damn months go by, no increase, no communication other than “we're working on it.” Finally get told today that I'll be seeing a $1/hr increase to my payrate, amounting to about $2k more per year. Get told that the client is hoping to convert me over to their team at some point so to “really show them what I can do!” Fuck that lol. In what world do these pricks think they can bait and…

I had a yearly review with my company back in October (work in financial consulting), and my manager herself admitted when I asked for a raise that they brought me on much lower than they should have and I should realistically be seeing a $15-20k/yr increase, dependent in part on the client's reaction to a rate increase. Didn't think that made sense at the time, since the client doesn't write my paychecks, but whatever.

Two damn months go by, no increase, no communication other than “we're working on it.” Finally get told today that I'll be seeing a $1/hr increase to my payrate, amounting to about $2k more per year. Get told that the client is hoping to convert me over to their team at some point so to “really show them what I can do!”

Fuck that lol. In what world do these pricks think they can bait and switch me into fucking me that hard and I'm going to improve my productivity? Nah, I work remote so you can bet your ass my plan is to dial it in and spend about 90% of my time applying to other positions and playing FFXIV.

I fucking hate corporate employers. Never forget that not only are they not looking out for you, they're trying to screw you out of whatever they think they can get away with. Fuck you, pay me.

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