
why I’m here

Because I'm divorced and pretty much refuse to ever get married again like a good American should, my partner doesn't get to enjoy my health insurance so when she went to the ER today with stomach pain, even though she lives with me and eats my food and rode in my car to the hospital and I think she even had on one of my socks.. she's going to get a bill for something like $37 million and it's just one more and a long string of too much for all of us. But that's not all.. Because I'm divorced, I don't really need insurance at all because my ex has the kids on hers, so I can choose money instead of my health, and you know I will because I'm just a stupid ass man trying his best to cover all these bills and pay child support and help…

Because I'm divorced and pretty much refuse to ever get married again like a good American should, my partner doesn't get to enjoy my health insurance so when she went to the ER today with stomach pain, even though she lives with me and eats my food and rode in my car to the hospital and I think she even had on one of my socks.. she's going to get a bill for something like $37 million and it's just one more and a long string of too much for all of us.

But that's not all..

Because I'm divorced, I don't really need insurance at all because my ex has the kids on hers, so I can choose money instead of my health, and you know I will because I'm just a stupid ass man trying his best to cover all these bills and pay child support and help someone he fell in love with while she goes through a rough time.

I'm here because I'm fucking tired and I should have just opted in to health care instead of taken the cheapest way out becausd I should have just included her in it since we've been living together for over two years now.

I can do this in other countries. Some other countries just cover us for free.

Why is it that America is in the list of nations for me like Cuba or Russia or Qatar.. why when I'm considering my choices as a career software engineer do I want to leave my country?

Who in this government forgot that the only way we succeed is for people to want to be here?

people don't want to be here 🤷‍️

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