
First day back at the office after the company redesigned it and it’s absolutely miserable

I work for an insurance company call center. We worked from home during covid up until April of this year when they forced us to go hybrid and come back to the office 3 days a week. Then we got to work from home again from august until today because the company decided it would be a good idea to waste money on tearing out and completely re-doing our floor. First day back today and I’m already over it. All the managers and office staff were walking around all excited, taking pictures, expecting all of us to be gushing over the new space and everyone is just like lol. We didn’t even want to come back to the office!!! The space is ugly too it’s like bright green and tacky. There’s no assigned seating, it was a disorganized mess, when I first got there I tried to sit in a…

I work for an insurance company call center. We worked from home during covid up until April of this year when they forced us to go hybrid and come back to the office 3 days a week. Then we got to work from home again from august until today because the company decided it would be a good idea to waste money on tearing out and completely re-doing our floor. First day back today and I’m already over it.

All the managers and office staff were walking around all excited, taking pictures, expecting all of us to be gushing over the new space and everyone is just like lol. We didn’t even want to come back to the office!!! The space is ugly too it’s like bright green and tacky.

There’s no assigned seating, it was a disorganized mess, when I first got there I tried to sit in a secluded area away from all the noise and within an hour someone came up to me and said “I’m sorry but we’re gonna have to have you sit with the rest of the group because we’re going to be doing some work over here and it might disrupt you” which is bullshit cuz nobody was over there the rest of the day. What’s disruptive to me is having to talk to customers while I can hear everyone else talking loudly around me.

This same person was standing there for half the day “monitoring” all of us, she’s not even a manager idk who she is. Super annoying.

It’s honestly so offensive and annoying that this company is so outdated and refuses to let us work from home permanently and instead spends money on this bullshit. It also is ridiculous that they’re making us come back right before Christmas. Like you couldn’t at least let us stay home till January 1st?? Great thanks. I’m out of there early 2023!

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