
i think my job might be doing some scummy shit

i recently got hired somewhere, i wont say where because i don’t have proof of anything, but at this new job they were essentially doing mass hiring a and it seemed like they hired everyone who interviewed. Of course i have no real proof of this so I just shrugged it off like it’s nothing. During my interview the manager told me that they were hiring a lot because some people were lazy and didn’t want to work and for every person who i referred that stayed with the company until the end of the year we would each get a bonus $50-$100. A little abnormal but ok nothing too strange seemed just like an incentive to stay. Third flag i noticed was that the training was a weird group training they do only on certain days of the week that he told me he’d done with a group of…

i recently got hired somewhere, i wont say where because i don’t have proof of anything, but at this new job they were essentially doing mass hiring a and it seemed like they hired everyone who interviewed. Of course i have no real proof of this so I just shrugged it off like it’s nothing. During my interview the manager told me that they were hiring a lot because some people were lazy and didn’t want to work and for every person who i referred that stayed with the company until the end of the year we would each get a bonus $50-$100. A little abnormal but ok nothing too strange seemed just like an incentive to stay. Third flag i noticed was that the training was a weird group training they do only on certain days of the week that he told me he’d done with a group of over 30+ people at once. Mind you this isn’t a job that needs hundreds of people working here so group training and hiring 50+ people at once seemed a little weird, but still i knew companies did group orientations sometimes so i thought nothing of it. Then i noticed they have us use an app called homebase that seemingly pays you for referring people and getting them to use the app. (You can probably see where i’m going with this). Further making me question this is the fact that “my manager” hasn’t given me any hours since the training and it’s been 2 weeks. I’ve asked about it last week and he said he would work on it but it’s still been radio silence. Could they be mass hiring to cash in on the app bonus and then not giving people hours so even if they refer someone they quit before their end of the year rule? Even if no scheduling me hours is a simple mistake, for 2 whole weeks? How am I supposed to remember my training and perform well if i work once a month? Any thoughts would be appreciated. It’s also funny because the manager told me to my face id be more than just a number here lol, so much for that.

Edit: Using one of the very many apps they had me get i managed to schedule myself an open shift tomorrow??? I had to schedule my own first day weeks after my training.

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