
How do I reject an HR meeting request?

UK-based. Background is that my company was involved in a merger and we've been offered replacement contracts. As I was underpaid in my previous role I've been offered a raise but it's insultingly low so I've proposed the top of my range, plus there are clauses in the contract that I have questioned or asked to be amended. ​ Now HR have requested a meeting with me to 'discuss as I've got lots of questions'. Obviously I don't want to go into a meeting where nothing will be recorded for future reference and they'll potentially gaslight/smooth-talk/pressure me into accepting their contract & pitiful salary. I'm particularly worried as I'm an anxious person so wouldn't be able to hold my own against HR, especially if they use forceful tactics. I've read enough posts on here to know that they won't hold back and it's best to get every single thing in…

UK-based. Background is that my company was involved in a merger and we've been offered replacement contracts. As I was underpaid in my previous role I've been offered a raise but it's insultingly low so I've proposed the top of my range, plus there are clauses in the contract that I have questioned or asked to be amended.

Now HR have requested a meeting with me to 'discuss as I've got lots of questions'. Obviously I don't want to go into a meeting where nothing will be recorded for future reference and they'll potentially gaslight/smooth-talk/pressure me into accepting their contract & pitiful salary. I'm particularly worried as I'm an anxious person so wouldn't be able to hold my own against HR, especially if they use forceful tactics. I've read enough posts on here to know that they won't hold back and it's best to get every single thing in writing!

How do I politely but firmly reject and request an email response instead?

Side note: I'm in a niche field, my coworkers are lovely and alternative employers are arguably worse, so quitting would be the very last resort.

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