
check on your kids’ private daycares, don’t trust the directors

I was a teacher at a private preschool for 8 weeks this year in order to get a spot got my own kid since everything else was full: being inside that place opened my eyes to how for-profit private daycares will do ANYTHING at the risk of the children's safety in order to keep parents blind/uninformed to the dozens of laws being broken daily — all the result of staffing shortages and untrained staff. I have officially made a report to the licensing office, as well as actually to the state of Missouri for human trafficking because I have proof of the labor trafficking of all of the teachers, I was trafficked myself and I didn't know what it meant at the time until I saw a poster at a gas station this month. I will also be contacting CPS and making a report there as well as contacting a…

I was a teacher at a private preschool for 8 weeks this year in order to get a spot got my own kid since everything else was full: being inside that place opened my eyes to how for-profit private daycares will do ANYTHING at the risk of the children's safety in order to keep parents blind/uninformed to the dozens of laws being broken daily — all the result of staffing shortages and untrained staff. I have officially made a report to the licensing office, as well as actually to the state of Missouri for human trafficking because I have proof of the labor trafficking of all of the teachers, I was trafficked myself and I didn't know what it meant at the time until I saw a poster at a gas station this month. I will also be contacting CPS and making a report there as well as contacting a lawyer and saying what else I could do, but as a parent I'm just gonna put it out there that you need to check on your kids's schools. Don't trust somebody that's making $1500 a month off your kid. Ask questions about the background of your teacher, and if they say their only background is nannying they are potentially lying and they have no experience whatsoever (I was told by my boss to lie to parents and act like I had been a nanny when I had no background in childcare, Teachers are even being put in rooms alone with children for weeks before their background checks even come back. At some point how do we know that there aren't pedophiles in those rooms? We dont. Not until weeks after theyre alone with children.)

I wish I could be less vague than this but I really want to see if I can try to get this place shut down without my boss knowing, so she doesn't run around hiding the problems like she did during the merger in September with another major company

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