
The HR is trying to get too cozy

So my company is owned by a larger entity with their own bigger HR, but this person here is still clinging to her remnants of HR like responsibilities while she does accounting. She’s widely unliked in the office (I’m new, this is what I am hearing often by literally everyone) – she apparently purposely has screwed people she didn’t like in the office financially – the accounting software is old and doesn’t keep logs of changes, and I rely on her to enter my financials accurately and timely. As in I don’t want to get on her bad side. Apparently she tried to get cozy to some guy in the office and he shut her down and now she messes with his financials in the accounting software – he says stuff he enters in are changed, wrong, etc. Others have said the same. They all say corporate won’t get rid…

So my company is owned by a larger entity with their own bigger HR, but this person here is still clinging to her remnants of HR like responsibilities while she does accounting. She’s widely unliked in the office (I’m new, this is what I am hearing often by literally everyone) – she apparently purposely has screwed people she didn’t like in the office financially – the accounting software is old and doesn’t keep logs of changes, and I rely on her to enter my financials accurately and timely. As in I don’t want to get on her bad side. Apparently she tried to get cozy to some guy in the office and he shut her down and now she messes with his financials in the accounting software – he says stuff he enters in are changed, wrong, etc. Others have said the same. They all say corporate won’t get rid of her for some unknown reason. They say she’s unstable/volatile.

Anyway, she has some dramatic home life that she comes in and tells in way too much explicit detail (even sexual stuff). She brags that she doesn’t care that she’s “hr” – no one calls her HR anymore, but whatever. She will enter my office and sit down and start talking even though I am doing work. People tell me to be careful and weary and not talk. But I will look busy and she’ll still come in. I can only close my door so often. Anyway, she lives in my town and keeps trying to get me to hang out. She gives me the heeby jeebies. She asked again today and said “take down my personal cell phone so we can hang out – I already have yours because I’m HR” . I am ok with being friendly but I just don’t want to be friends with anyone currently employed here outside of work. I don’t want to even imply that to her – bc less has made her intentionally screw others over. She tries to relate because we are both single moms and because we have difficult situations with coparenting. I’m not trying to be snobby or mean but she just creeps me out. She winks a lot, etc. I could talk to someone, like my boss, but she won’t get fired and I still have to deal with her. She absolutely would retaliate. Other than making this a big thing and trying to get myself into a situation, how can I handle this? I can claim i am busy most nights but she’s relentless.

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