
Can’t make it to a meeting because I hit a deer, boss refusing to recap what was in the meeting with me at a later date

More or less just a vent, but any advice would also be very welcome. About two weeks ago, I unfortunately hit a deer on my way into work. For context, I live in a very rural area where wildlife is abundant, and my job is roughly 30 miles from my home. I reliably and punctually make this commute 4 days a week. Despite not having my car due to it being at the mechanic, I’ve still managed to show up as scheduled and on time by carpooling with my boyfriend. This has honestly been a logistical nightmare for him, but I’m grateful for his help. I’ve known about this meeting for about a week now, and had fully intended to come but my boyfriend found out yesterday that he had to work early today and couldn’t take me to the meeting, and I unfortunately haven’t been able to find another…

More or less just a vent, but any advice would also be very welcome. About two weeks ago, I unfortunately hit a deer on my way into work. For context, I live in a very rural area where wildlife is abundant, and my job is roughly 30 miles from my home. I reliably and punctually make this commute 4 days a week. Despite not having my car due to it being at the mechanic, I’ve still managed to show up as scheduled and on time by carpooling with my boyfriend. This has honestly been a logistical nightmare for him, but I’m grateful for his help.

I’ve known about this meeting for about a week now, and had fully intended to come but my boyfriend found out yesterday that he had to work early today and couldn’t take me to the meeting, and I unfortunately haven’t been able to find another ride. I even asked my manager last night if I could FaceTime someone during the meeting to attend it that way, but she said no. She also said that while the information this meeting pertains to is ‘critical’, she can’t/won’t recap the information with me if I do not come to the meeting, despite the circumstances. She seems to be pretty ‘chill’ with me missing said meeting and isn’t saying that there will be any other problems if I don’t attend other than that the information will not be explained to me at a later date.

I literally hit a deer, driving to my job, and now my job won’t give me an inch of understanding despite trying my absolute best to figure this out. I fucking hate it here

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