
Just a little vent about a hypocrite

My most recent ex and I had a messy breakup. He has been ruthelessly trash talking me – including getting me fired from a job we’d both previously had together. All that aside, this was a guy who told me he was a leftist, progressive minded man. He’d talk about socialism to me sometimes. We spoke often about wages, rent, how unfair things are. Especially considering we both struggled with housing insecurity. We both did a physically taxing job, and I’ve expressed that if I am sacrificing my body for a job, i deserve at least a livable wage. Cue rant about line cooking…. But yeah. I never really like, made a huge deal about my wage. It was decent, but I did feel my time was worth more personally. I took a $10 wage cut to work there so its not like I was just saying that for no…

My most recent ex and I had a messy breakup. He has been ruthelessly trash talking me – including getting me fired from a job we’d both previously had together. All that aside, this was a guy who told me he was a leftist, progressive minded man. He’d talk about socialism to me sometimes. We spoke often about wages, rent, how unfair things are. Especially considering we both struggled with housing insecurity. We both did a physically taxing job, and I’ve expressed that if I am sacrificing my body for a job, i deserve at least a livable wage. Cue rant about line cooking…. But yeah. I never really like, made a huge deal about my wage. It was decent, but I did feel my time was worth more personally. I took a $10 wage cut to work there so its not like I was just saying that for no reason. I worked harder for less money, but it was worth it cause I was able to stop being homeless. I dont really think i made a big deal about it, just mentioned thats my view. Anyway he said I was entitled for a homeless person because I wasnt even worth the wage I was paid. Funny when in reality, I was fired for him harassing my manager abt me, but he was fired for doing shitty work. Also its just evil to say im not worth making enough money to like, afford a place to live and gas and god forbid an emergency savings. Even he dont deserve to live paycheck to paycheck, as mean as he is being to me. Wtf is wrong with ppl.

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