
Just found out every other property in my hotel chain get paid holiday except for mine.

Work sales for a boutique hotel chain that has ~20 properties throughout the country. During a meeting with some corporate members, one of the higher ups let it slip that the company pays holiday pay, so he didn't mind having to work the week leading up to Xmas. IMMEDIATELY another member piped up and stated ” Not X property… haha” ​ Our hotel is the only one that is located at a ski destination and is thus slammed for the holidays, while all the other hotels in the chain operate in larger metros that don't see much holiday traffic. So while we get stomped out for the next 2 weeks, trying to stay a float, the corporate heads will get 2x for doing the same work. I want to scream

Work sales for a boutique hotel chain that has ~20 properties throughout the country. During a meeting with some corporate members, one of the higher ups let it slip that the company pays holiday pay, so he didn't mind having to work the week leading up to Xmas. IMMEDIATELY another member piped up and stated ” Not X property… haha”

Our hotel is the only one that is located at a ski destination and is thus slammed for the holidays, while all the other hotels in the chain operate in larger metros that don't see much holiday traffic. So while we get stomped out for the next 2 weeks, trying to stay a float, the corporate heads will get 2x for doing the same work.

I want to scream

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