
Bad situation at work. Advice please!

I work at a convenience store. My manager (let’s call her Jane) and a fellow employee (let’s call him John) are in a romantic relationship. Corporate is not aware, I think it’s against policy but am not sure. This causes obvious problems least of which John is my boss by Proxy. Except he has no training as a manager and no authority to do those tasks. So basically I have to treat and be treated by John like a superior as well. I have a lot of issues but I overlook most of them because I don’t want to make waves. I’ve become aware of some serious fuckery going on, theft and fraud, among other things. I believe my supervisor is involved or at least complicit. I know they also need a potential fall guy. Today was the breaking point. I got the district managers number from the directory and…

I work at a convenience store. My manager (let’s call her Jane) and a fellow employee (let’s call him John) are in a romantic relationship. Corporate is not aware, I think it’s against policy but am not sure. This causes obvious problems least of which John is my boss by Proxy. Except he has no training as a manager and no authority to do those tasks. So basically I have to treat and be treated by John like a superior as well. I have a lot of issues but I overlook most of them because I don’t want to make waves. I’ve become aware of some serious fuckery going on, theft and fraud, among other things. I believe my supervisor is involved or at least complicit. I know they also need a potential fall guy. Today was the breaking point. I got the district managers number from the directory and called from the store and said 2 things-

I have an issue that I don’t think I can speak to Jane about, can I have your email?


I’d like to remain anonymous.

I called from the store so it was pretty obvious that it was one of 2 people. I figured I’d email him later when I had time.

Not 3 minutes later Jane called my phone asking if I’d called the DM and asked for his email. I was caught off guard and denied it. She then said “well was it ****** because the DM said he thought it was you.”

So he hung up with me and called Jane and directly identified me and let her know I had an issue that I went over her head with. Why do this? He didn’t even know what the issue was!!It could have been sexual harassment, or drug trafficking, he could have put my life in danger!!

Why not wait for the email? It seems like he panicked and called her. Probably told her not to say anything, but she panicked. Either way why not just wait and see what it is?

So I called Jane and tried to save face and said “to be honest I had a small issue and I was afraid it would turn into gossip because anything I tell you, John WILL hear. So I just wanted to avoid the gossip, and intended to explain that it was only to avoid gossip. It was related to something with the physical store.”
She asked if I wanted to discuss the issue with her and I told her that I did not. That it was already too big of a deal and I wished I’d never said anything. I told her I wouldn’t email the DM because it was a moot point. Obviously she didn’t buy it and was cautiously polite.

So do I confront the DM? Ask him why he burned me 30 seconds after me saying I want to be anonymous? Ask him how I’m supposed to work in a hostile environment that he created? Do I call HR? Do I need a lawyer?

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