In short, every Sunday my parents like to take us all out to eat. This time we went to Applebee's, and there's like a 3 minute wait because there's only two servers. And, they seem annoyed at this. “No one wants to work anymore” says my Dad. I found this so weird. I literally froze and had to come to terms that he's spouting one of the things I hate more than anything. I tell him it's not that people don't want to work, people just don't want to be exploited for way less than they're worth, and that I'm so proud of people standing up for themselves. He then makes some smart ass comment about how hopefully they're still standing up for themselves while they're starving for food.
As if this wasn't enough, when we actually are seated my Dad goes off about how the server will probably fuck up our orders – and guess what? He didn't
Oh and both him and my Mom say how no matter what they'd always work just to pay for stuff, the chat getting a bit heated. Like uh yeah, that's easy to say when you make 30-40 dollars an hour. Most people make shit next to you lmao
Honestly I really shouldn't be but I was just shocked. At that moment they sort of stopped being individual and just became another part of the machine.
The machine of consumerism. Capitalism.
These people could literally be dying and they still wouldn't give a fuck. As long as there's some drone to hand you your burger, right?
I don't wanna be ageist but you know what else? It's so often the older generations that think like this. I don't think I've ever seen people my age scream as loudly to workers just trying to do their jobs.
Actually disgusting.
I just think this attitude is so disrespectful.