
10 years & laid off, don’t be loyal folks.

This past summer I was unceremoniously laid off, after 10 years. Toxic bosses, stressful industry, unhealthy work/life balance I had it all. I loved my co-workers & I like to tell myself I did enjoy the work at some point but can't remember when. Time wore on & the sunken cost fallacy took root, even after developing nasty anxiety, depression & herniating 3 discs from my job I stayed on.  Fast forward this summer, a last minute zoom call gets added to my calendar, via the COO. I notice it as I'm commuting to the office. I simultaneously remember everything & nothing of the call. Only 1 of the 2 co-founders was on. Individuals who I had known for a decade, one of which couldn't have been bothered to be on as he was vacationing in Europe. “We're going to be doing some layoffs & your name came up” “We've…

This past summer I was unceremoniously laid off, after 10 years.

Toxic bosses, stressful industry, unhealthy work/life balance I had it all. I loved my co-workers & I like to tell myself I did enjoy the work at some point but can't remember when. Time wore on & the sunken cost fallacy took root, even after developing nasty anxiety, depression & herniating 3 discs from my job I stayed on. 

Fast forward this summer, a last minute zoom call gets added to my calendar, via the COO. I notice it as I'm commuting to the office.

I simultaneously remember everything & nothing of the call. Only 1 of the 2 co-founders was on. Individuals who I had known for a decade, one of which couldn't have been bothered to be on as he was vacationing in Europe.

“We're going to be doing some layoffs & your name came up”

“We've heard you were unhappy & we want people who want to be here”

10 years and apparently I didn't want to be there. Not much else from that call, I spoke very little outside of asking if they were done before hanging up.

So folks, ya know if your unhappy move on & change if you can/able to. Don't let your tenure of employment be a shackle, cause at the end of the day they don't give a shit. No matter how small a place can be or if you were employee #3 or #3000.

Thanks for reading, and much love to all the workers out there.

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